Picture feed on Wordpress homepage

In reading through old forum posts it seems like it's no longer possible to pass a group of random images from Zenphoto to my Wordpress website homepage. I used to be able to do it but not anymore.

Are there any alternatives, like using an RSS feed of the most recent images to display on a Wordpress homepage? Or has anyone worked out how to solve this problem some other way? It seems like such a great way to get people from the home page of a Wordpress site to the galleries in Zenphoto deeper in the site.


  • I'm sure a better programmer would come up with a more elegant solution, but I've been using this bit of php for a while to get random photos from specified directories and display thumbs on a WordPress blog.


    `$link2ID = mysql_connect("database.vista.howlingpoint.net", "userid", "password");`
    `mysql_select_db("database", $link2ID);`
    `$result2ID = mysql_query("SELECT albumid, filename, title,`desc`FROM zp_images WHERE (albumid = '3' OR albumid = '21') ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", $link2ID);`
    `while (list($albumid, $filename, $title2, $zen_caption) =` `mysql_fetch_array($result2ID))`
    `$result3ID = mysql_query("SELECT folder FROM zp_albums WHERE id='$albumid'", $link2ID);`
    `list($folder) = mysql_fetch_array($result3ID);`
    `$folder2 = urlencode($folder);`
    `print "<a href=\"http://vista.howlingpoint.net/z/$folder/$filename.php\" title=\"$title2: $zen_caption\" target=\"_blank\">\";`

    Examples in action are howlingpoint.net/life and beachlaw.info. Note for my server the query for the desc element had to be in backticks to avoid an error.
  • I will try to play around with that a little bit.

    Anyone else have any ideas?
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